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When recovering from a drug addiction, it’s natural that there will be pleasant times and difficult times. While it’s important to prepare yourself for the disappointments and setbacks, it’s also crucial to remember the new opportunities and celebrate the accomplishments you make along the way.

If you’re currently receiving drug addiction treatment and you’re looking for ways to boost your spirits during this difficult time, below are some fantastic ways to celebrate your accomplishments during recovery.

Celebrate the little things

It may not seem like you have much to celebrate but think about how far you’ve come from your lowest point. Every day you’re not using, even if you felt the temptation to, is a huge step forward.

With this, think about all the things you couldn’t have done at the height of your addiction. Whether it’s getting out of bed, making it into work, seeing your counsellor, calling a friend, doing the weekly shop or feeding yourself a nutritious meal – each and every one of these things is progress.

Celebrate all these little achievements along the way by going out for dinner with a friend, treating yourself to something you’ve been wanting for a long time, going for a massage or watching your favourite television show. Treating yourself will give you a little boost that will keep you going through your drug addiction counselling.

You take control of organizing something

Celebrating your milestones really is an important part of recovery but it’s natural that you might feel a bit apprehensive about doing so. After all, big gatherings and parties are probably where you were the most likely to use and you may be worried about seeing certain people you know who still take drugs.

A great way to overcome this is for you to be in charge of organizing something. Whether it’s a dinner party, an evening out, a day trip or a weekend away with friends – you can control who is invited and what you will be doing. This way you don’t have to worry about being faced with temptation and it’s also great for you to have something to focus on.

Go to recovery events

There are many people trying to overcome drug addiction in Toronto and a great way to celebrate your accomplishments is to attend recovery events. As well as rewarding yourself with something to look forward to, these events enable you to meet like-minded people who can offer support and advice and provide a safe environment for you to celebrate without being faced with temptation.

Give back to others

A nice way to celebrate your accomplishments in drug addiction recovery is to give back to others. As well as helping those who are less fortunate in their time of need, this will help you to feel good about yourself and will also give you something to focus on.

Whether it’s helping out at a homeless shelter, giving a talk to people who have just started drug addiction treatment, comforting a friend who is going through a difficult time or even helping an elderly person carry their shopping home, doing something to make someone else’s day can really help to make your day as well.

If you would like more information about entering drug addiction recovery Toronto, please feel free to contact us in the strictest of confidence and we will be more than happy to help. Alternatively, you can visit our Drug and Alcohol Addiction page which has more information about drug addiction counselling as well as a free guide about addictions and an assessment which can help you to determine whether or not you may have a problem.

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