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Trauma affects everyone differently, and it is even possible to have been traumatized without realizing it. This may occur because of memories you have suppressed, or because you simply do not realize the impact a specific event had on you and the way you think, feel, and interact with the world.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy is designed to help answer some tough questions that a lot of people have about themselves and the way they relate to others. For example, have you ever thought:

How can I ever learn to love someone else if I cannot love myself?
Why don’t have much self-esteem?
I didn’t want to do that, but why couldn’t I stop myself from doing it anyway?

These are common thoughts of trauma victims, and if you can relate, it is possible that you could benefit from IFS therapy. Today, I would like to discuss some additional indicators that suggest IFS might be helpful.

A Critical Inside Voice

It is possible that to your friends or family, you appear happy and content with your life. However, on the inside, you have a critical voice that simply will not go away. This is common for people who have suffered trauma; particularly for those who were traumatized at some point during their childhoods.

Your inner voice may constantly criticize you by calling you names, pointing out what you did wrong, or telling you lies about yourself and your relationships with other people. That voice may make it difficult to hold down a job, maintain a loving partnership, or even function normally on a day-to-day basis.

An Overwhelming Feeling of Worthlessness

Many trauma victims strive to get through their normal lives while battling a constant feeling of I’m not good enough. They feel that no matter how much they contribute at work or within their families, nothing they do matters because they should be able to do more.

This is a terrible feeling in the pit of your stomach, and it quickly becomes a deeply held belief that no one can convince you is untrue. No one wants to feel worthless; but for many trauma victims, it feels like it’s inescapable.

Inside Noise That Causes Distraction and Anxiety

Some trauma victims experience racing thoughts that make it impossible to concentrate or focus. With those racing thoughts comes an inner anxiety that interrupts their thinking and in time, becomes all-encompassing.

This inside noise may come and go, and when it is present, it takes over your whole life. It can change who you are, making it impossible to interact with friends or live your life the way you want to live it.

What Makes Internal Family Systems Therapy Different?

IFS offers answers, but not in the conventional way. Instead of re-hashing every bad memory or digging for those memories you may have buried, IFS encourages you to look internally at the “family system” that resides inside of you. Step-by-step, you learn how to gain more control over impulses, turn criticism into support, and get rid of those worthless feelings.

If you can relate to any of the above characteristics and feelings, IFS may be the answer you’ve been looking for. Contact me today for an appointment.

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