Externalized Mindfulness and Dual Awareness in Trauma Therapy

Many trauma survivors are too blended with their Parts to actively engage in mindfulness. Because they so closely identify with their Parts’ feelings and beliefs, it is challenging for them to see them separately. Practicing externalized mindfulness is an important component of trauma therapy that can help with that. As a therapist, this type of [...]

By |2022-06-08T17:57:47-04:00June 8th, 2022|Trauma|

What is the Blending, Shifting, and Switching of the Parts?

Every trauma victim’s Parts share the same body, brain, and environment. When the victim experiences a thought or feeling, it is important for them to be able to differentiate the “voice” behind it. That requires the person to stop, listen, and understand when that Part is speaking. There is a lot of healing that can [...]

By |2022-03-10T11:15:16-05:00March 10th, 2022|Trauma|

Mindfulness and its Role in Treating Trauma

Many trauma survivors find it easy to be compassionate toward others, but when it comes to offering themselves that same level of compassion, they struggle. They learn to tolerate hurt, disappointment, and even rejection in their relationships with the people they care about. Yet, they lack the ability to accept themselves unconditionally. Mindfulness plays an [...]

By |2022-03-10T11:14:04-05:00March 10th, 2022|Trauma|

The Transformation of the Parts

It may seem hard to believe, but the different types of Parts – managers, exiles, and firefighters – can be transformed into something completely different and inherently beautiful for all trauma victims. Though each one has its own extreme role to play, none of them have to remain in those roles. They can be transformed, [...]

By |2022-02-09T14:08:36-05:00February 9th, 2022|Uncategorized|

What are Firefighter Parts?

The manager parts work hard to protect trauma victims from harm. This protection is often manifested as control over everything they do. It affects their relationships with others, their professional lives, and even their interactions with complete strangers. But sometimes managers are not as efficient as they want to be, and no matter how hard [...]

By |2022-02-09T14:04:10-05:00February 9th, 2022|Uncategorized|

7 New Year’s Resolutions to Boost Your Sex Addiction Recovery in 2022

The New Year is a great time to set good intentions and develop healthier habits.  While there are often negative connotations surrounding New Year’s resolutions, they can be very positive if approached correctly.  The mistake people often make is that they only focus on the things they shouldn’t be doing. Quitting smoking and not eating [...]

By |2021-12-15T05:53:21-05:00December 14th, 2021|Addiction|

Why is Self-Acceptance So Vital in the Healing of Trauma?

Many trauma victims are completely unaware of the Parts storm that is brewing inside of them. They only know what they feel and experience in any given moment. It should come as no surprise that they are also not aware of the Self. The key to healing trauma is found in not only identifying the [...]

By |2022-07-04T10:17:51-04:00December 10th, 2021|Trauma|

The Internal Struggle Between the Parts

There are struggles within every family, and the internal family is no different. In fact, it really should be expected. But when a person is dealing with significant trauma, those struggles can feel like a storm is constantly brewing on the inside. Parts that cry for help or that have attachment issues can trigger fight [...]

By |2021-12-15T03:32:49-05:00December 10th, 2021|Trauma|