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Prescription drug abuse is very common, and it’s not usually something that anyone intends to happen. Perhaps you’re concerned that your prescription medication abuse is getting out of hand and it has turned into a full-blown addiction. There are several signs that can tell you whether or not this is the case. Fortunately, prescription drugs addiction treatment can help you if your abuse has become an addiction.


Prescription Drugs Addiction Treatment


Prescription drugs addiction treatment works by first assisting you with stopping your usage of the prescription drugs and then helping you to relearn life without them. Like many people, perhaps you assumed that because the medication you are taking was by prescription, that must mean it’s safe. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. There are many different types of addictive prescription medications, and they can be just as addictive as street drugs like cocaine or methamphetamine.


Let’s take a closer look at five signs your prescription medication abuse is out of hand. If you can relate to any of these signs, your abuse has probably transitioned into an addiction. In that case, professional prescription drugs addiction help can provide you with the tools you need to break free from that addiction.


Sign #1: Physical clues – Weight loss, constipation or confusion


Weight loss, constipation and confusion are just a few of the physical indicators that you have a prescription drug addiction. Using prescription drugs for a short period of time (as well as using them as indicated) will usually result in some side effects such as drowsiness and fatigue. However, those same drugs can cause more serious side effects when they’re not used as prescribed, or if they continue to be used after they’re needed.


Sign #2: Illegal prescription activity


Perhaps you’ve started to feel as though your prescription medications are something that you just have to have. You feel that way so strongly that you’ve started stealing prescriptions or even forging them. These activities are illegal, and participating with that type of behavior is a strong indicator that you have an addiction.


Sign #3: Mood swings or hostile behavior


Prescription drugs can be mood-altering drugs, and they can easily cause you to have mood swings or behave aggressively toward people you care about. Have you noticed yourself displaying any of these behaviors? If so, you probably have an addiction.


Sign #4: Sleep changes


Sleep changes and disturbances are another sign that you have a prescription drug addiction. Have you found that you feel the need to sleep all the time? Perhaps the drugs you’re using have the opposite effect on your body and you actually feel full of energy and ready to take on the world. Maybe you haven’t even had a full night’s sleep in a long time. Any sleep changes are a sign that you have a prescription drug addiction.


Sign #5: Increasing your dosage


The only person who should be increasing the dosage of your medication is your physician. When you first began taking your medicine, your prescription indicated how much you should take and it may have even given you a timeframe. Perhaps over time you’ve increased your dosage on your own, and now you’re taking a lot more of the medicine than you’re supposed to be taking. This is a sign of an addiction.


Do you recognize yourself exhibiting any of these signs of prescription drug addiction? Professional prescription drugs addiction help can assist you with arresting your addiction and working toward recovery. I can help you get started. Contact me if you’d like to make an appointment.








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