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As a parent, you can’t help but worry about your kids, and you especially worry about whether or not they will use drugs. There are several critical risk factors for teen drug addiction that will allow you to assess your own children to determine their risk. It is my hope that understanding more about what makes some teens more high risk than others will give you some insight into whether or not you need to be concerned for your kids.


The good news is that if your teen is using drugs or does in the future, drug addiction help is available. With the right type of drug addiction counselling, your teen won’t have to continue to be a slave to drugs and he or she can live a life that’s fulfilling and successful.


Drug Addiction Treatment


Many drug addicts (or even parents of drug addicts) don’t realize that drug addiction is actually a condition that is covering up an underlying condition. That’s what makes professional drug addiction help so important. Once a person has abstained from drugs, there are usually many different emotions or issues that need to be addressed in drug addiction counselling. Too often, people will attempt to stop using drugs on their own, but without the professional help in place to address and offer help for those underlying problems, it is too easy to return to the addiction.


Let’s talk about some of the critical risk factors for teens and drug addiction.


Lack of Parental Supervision or Communication


The family unit has changed a lot in the past ten to twenty years, and many parents aren’t around as much as they used to be. Perhaps in your family, both parents have to work, or your teen might be a part of a one-parent household. You’re doing the best you can to provide for your family, but it’s also important to ensure that your teen is able to communicate with you on a regular basis.


History of Physical or Sexual Abuse


Physical and/or sexual abuse aren’t viewed as secretive as they once were, but many families choose to not deal with the consequences of these acts when they occur. It’s very common for abuse victims to look for ways to cope, and many of them will choose substances because they experience a brief sense of relief and happiness that relieves some of that underlying pain.


Inconsistent Parental Discipline


Discipline is a very important part of parenting, and children and teens need to be disciplined appropriately and consistently. When they don’t have discipline in their lives, it’s common for them to feel confused about what to expect. In some cases, discipline might be inconsistent, but when it does occur, it’s often harsh. When that happens, feelings of resentment arise, which can lead to drug use as a way to cope with the emotional pain.


Family Conflicts


It’s no secret that as kids become teenagers, it’s rare for them to get along with mom and dad all the time. Many teenagers experience a period of rebellion, and during those years, there are all kinds of family conflicts. It’s common for the emotional pain teens experience during these years to lead to drug abuse and eventually, addiction.


Family History of Drug Addiction


Finally, if there is a history of drug addiction in your family, your teen is also at risk for becoming addicted to drugs. While a family history doesn’t mean that it is a certainty, it’s best to be aware that the risk is higher.


Drug addiction counselling is available for your teen if you suspect that he or she is addicted to drugs. I can help you. Please contact me for an appointment.



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