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More than anything, you want to celebrate a sober New Year; but how do you avoid relapsing on New Year’s Eve, which is one of the biggest party days of the year? Believe it or not, it can be done as long as you take the proper precautions ahead of time to ensure that you’re not put in a bad situation or a situation where the temptation to go back to a life of alcoholism will be too much to bear.


Let’s go over some of the practical things you’ve learned in alcoholism treatment, and then we’ll talk about how you can avoid alcohol addiction relapse during New Year’s Eve.


Alcohol Addiction Recovery


If you think back to when you first became addicted to alcohol, you can remember how it all started with alcohol abuse. For one reason or another, you chose to drink as a way to escape the pain you were feeling. Maybe you were going through a divorce, or maybe you were experiencing some problems at work. No matter what the pain was, alcohol made you feel better temporarily. Before long, your alcohol abuse became an addiction, and it was probably very difficult to manage the other parts of your life at that point.


When you get treatment for alcoholism, you abstain from alcohol, but you also take the time to address the issues that led to your abuse of alcohol. It’s definitely a process that takes some time, and you definitely don’t want to undo all of the hard work you’ve done so far.


The question is, how do you stay sober when everyone around you is partying on New Year’s Eve? Here are some tips that can help you.


Just Say “No” to Parties: You are the only person who knows what you can handle when it comes to attending New Year’s Eve parties. However, for most people in alcohol recovery, it’s best to simply avoid the temptation of these get-togethers completely, unless you’re sure there is not going to be any alcohol there.


Bring a Sober Friend Along: There is power in numbers, which is why it’s important to have sober friends who can strengthen your resolve in the face of temptation. If it’s a party that you absolutely can’t avoid for one reason or another, having a sober friend with you can often make a big difference. Come up with a game plan ahead of time, and you might even want to work on planning an exit strategy, just in case you need one.


Drive Your Own Vehicle: Driving your own vehicle can give you an added incentive to stay sober if you go out to dinner with friends or if you’re tempted to drink while you’re at a party. It also allows you the freedom to leave whenever you want to, so you’re not depending on someone else to be ready to go home.


Make Your Own Plans with Sober Friends: There is no rule that says that you have to sit at home feeling bored because you’re nervous about going to New Year’s Eve parties. Why not make your own plans with friends who are sober? You can go out to dinner together, go to the movies or do a number of other activities without having to worry about whether or not you’ll be tempted to drink.


If you’re struggling with alcoholism, now is the best time to get help for your addiction. As a Toronto addiction counsellor, I can help you obtain the freedom you’re seeking from alcohol. Contact me for an appointment.



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