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One of the biggest hurdles for sexual addicts is coming to the realization that they have a real problem that must be addressed. The sexual addict’s brain deftly and maliciously tricks the sufferer into thinking that everything in their life is okay and that they are doing just fine. “I don’t need help,” the sexual addict brain says. “I’m not addicted to sex,” it persists, “I just have a high sex drive!”

Indeed the signs of sexual addiction can be difficult to spot in a world where sexual images and innuendo are increasingly hard to avoid. Even so, some not-so-fine lines must be crossed before one goes from a person who enjoys sex in a healthy manner to a person who has unhealthy sexual behaviors and patterns. So what signs and symptoms might indicate sexual addiction?

Common Signs of Sexual Addiction

  • Considerable amounts of time dedicated to sexual thoughts and activities (usually resulting in lost time for other activities)
  • Avoiding or lacking emotional involvement in sexual relationships
  • Having multiple sexual partners (which may include anonymous partners, prostitutes, cheating and affairs)
  • Frequent use of pornographic materials, phone sex, and/or cyber sex
  • Excessive masturbation
  • Practicing exhibitionism, voyeurism or other sexual crimes
  • Attempts to stop or reduce sexual behaviors and being unable to do so

Recognizing Signs of Sexual Addiction in a Partner, Friend, or Family Member

Not all sexual addicts recognize (or are willing to recognize) the signs of addiction in themselves. Sometimes it takes a spouse, significant other, close family member or friend to identify that there is a problem. If you suspect that someone you know might be suffering from sexual addiction, set up a time that you can talk to them privately, one-on-one. Having a list of helpful websites, phone numbers or other resources for them would be a great way to encourage them to seek help.

Recognizing Signs of Sexual Addiction in Yourself

Sexual addicts can also identify maladaptive sexual thoughts and behaviors in themselves. If some or all of the common signs of sexual addiction above are relevant for you, then you may need professional counselling and guidance. There are several resources and trained professionals available to assist you. Don’t let your sexually addicted brain tell you that you don’t need help. You can regain control and get on a path to a happier and healthier life.

For more information, visit

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