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It might seem like the scariest concept you’ve ever considered participating in. After all, you spend most of your life trying to escape the traumatic event that has engulfed you. Confronting trauma means looking it in the face and coming to terms with what happened to you. It certainly doesn’t sound like something you should have the desire to do.

At this point, you might not be ready to confront that horrific event. It seems safer for you to hide away from it. However, the right trauma therapy will allow you to be able to reach a place of security. Eventually, you will be ready to stare it down and feel even safer than you do when you’re avoiding it. Let’s talk about how that can happen for you.

Dealing With Feelings of Being Overwhelmed

At this point, you may be living in a constant state of feeling overwhelmed. The trauma that you have lived through hangs over your head like a cloud. It seems impossible to escape it. Your entire life is flooded with sensations and emotions that are all connected to that terrible event.

It may seem as though you’re running from triggers at every turn. Maybe seeing a certain individual at work causes you to have flashbacks. You may need to take a different route home because you’re avoiding that particular area. No matter what it is, it feels as though you’re always running away from it.

The key is to obtain the right kind of therapy to help you deal with what happened to you. It’s not possible to erase the memories of those events. However, it is possible to restore balance between your reactive brain and your emotional brain. This will allow you to feel in charge of your responses and how you live your life. Limbic system therapy works very well in healing the emotional brain to create the necessary balance.

The Power of Revisiting the Trauma

Once you’re in balance and in control of how you feel, you’ll be ready to revisit the trauma. Eventually, there will come a time when someone asks you to tell the story, and you’re able to do it without any negative consequences. That will be an incredibly freeing moment for you!

Even so, you need to know that it may take some time for you to get there. So much damage can be done in an instant when people go through traumatic events. It’s not uncommon for it to take a while for that damage to be undone. With perseverance, dedication, and with the right kind of therapy, it is possible.

There is so much power to be experienced when you are finally able to confront the trauma head-on. At this moment, it may feel as though that’s a place you’ll never reach. However, you’ll never know unless you give it a try.

A qualified therapist knows exactly how to lead you as you strive to reach that goal. I would love the opportunity to get to know you and help you as you work to overcome and heal from trauma. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact me.

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