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If you’re struggling with compulsive sexual behavior, new treatment methods are probably of great interest to you. This is especially true when you’ve been trying to overcome your sexual addiction for quite some time, but you haven’t been able to. Perhaps you’ve tried various forms of addiction treatment and sex addiction counseling in the past, but your sex addiction symptoms still haunt you. Fortunately, there are new treatment methods that can help you overcome your compulsive sexual behavior and find relief for your symptoms.


The best place to begin is with sex addiction counselling that’s designed to meet your unique needs.


Sex Addiction Rehab


Sex addiction rehab (which can be done on an outpatient basis) is actually quite similar to other types of addiction treatment. That’s because the most modern approaches involve a treatment plan that includes individual sex addiction counselling sessions with a professional counselor, but it also includes involvement in a small group setting.


There has been a lot of research done over the years regarding the best outcomes for addiction treatment, and when an individual requires sex addiction rehab, participation with a group is vital to the success of the overall treatment plan. Perhaps that surprises you. It might even make you feel somewhat uncomfortable, and that’s OK. Most people are not excited about the idea of sharing about their sex addiction with people they don’t know. However, there are several reasons why this method seems to be the most effective.


Group Therapy for Sexual Addiction


When you’re addicted to sex, you can’t help but feel ashamed of your actions, thoughts and feelings. It’s possible that you’ve tried to stop so many times in the past, but you just were never able to on your own. That alone can cause you even more shame. In a group setting, you’re able to listen to the stories of other people, and you realize that you’re not much different from them at all. You’ll find that when you’re in a group of your peers who are all struggling with the same issues that you are, there is a sense of acceptance that’s unconditional, which is probably not something you’re used to experiencing in your everyday life.


The best part is that participation in a group therapy setting offers you hope. In addition to listening to the struggles, you’ll also be listening to the victories as they’re shared by the other group members. Before long, you learn that you are able to overcome your addiction. There is hope for people like you who struggle with sex addiction, and you can heal from it, just like they did.


The New Beginnings Program: Is it Right for You?


Here at Toronto Addiction Counselling, our New Beginnings Program is an excellent way for you to break free from your sex addiction for good. This is an outpatient program, and you’ll meet with your therapist individually at first, and then you’ll begin going to the weekly group sessions. Your group will be small, which is good. You won’t feel overwhelmed in a small group setting.


You’re an excellent candidate for The New Beginnings Program if:


  • You’ve found your compulsive sexual behaviors to be getting worse
  • You’ve attempted to stop those behaviors in the past and failed
  • You’ve been confronted by family members about having a sex addiction
  • Thoughts of sex, as well as the act itself, have taken over your life.


We can help you heal from your sex addiction, and the best treatment options are available to you. Please contact me today if you would like more information about the New Beginnings Program and getting started with your recovery.



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