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Whether you’ve been using drugs for a few months, or you’ve endured years of your addiction, you’ve made the decision that it’s time to stop. Still, you’re not sure what to do or where to turn, and you’re not sure if you can combat your drug addiction on your own. Fortunately, you don’t have to. Drug addiction help is available to you, and with the help of a qualified addictions therapist you can get the tools you need to be successful.

Drug Addiction Help

Drug addiction help does a lot more than just address your substance addiction. The fact that you’ve made the decision to overcome your addiction says that you’re ready to do whatever is necessary to become free. Turning to an experienced therapist is the first step in your recovery.

Far too many make the decision to combat their drug addictions on their own, and more often than not, they fail. There are many reasons for this.

Lack of Accountability

It is very difficult to be accountable to yourself, especially for a long period of time. Addiction tends to have a “mind of its own,” and it’s easy to make concessions or deals with yourself when there is no one for you to answer to. Many addicts are too ashamed to talk about their addictions with their friends and family members, and they’re unsure about where to get help for drugs. When they attempt to stop using on their own, they usually give in to temptation eventually, especially without someone to hold them accountable for that decision.

Lack of Tools

One of the benefits you experience when you seek out drug addiction help is access to the tools you need to be successful. Every person is different and unique in his or her own way, and your reasons for your addiction are too. That means a personal approach is required when designing your treatment plan. The tools you acquire in addictions counseling will help to equip you to combat your addiction in the most effective way possible, giving you the best chance to not only quit, but to stay quit.

Lack of a Plan

When you decide to attempt to quit using drugs on your own, it’s unlikely that you will go into your quit with a plan of attack in place. It can be difficult to locate and understand your own personal triggers and how to avoid them without the help of a professional. In addition, it’s difficult to accomplish anything in life when you only have a big goal in mind. Your plan will not only help you understand situations or emotions you might experience that will trigger a craving, but it will address your treatment in smaller goals that will be much easier to achieve. Having a plan is crucial, and an addictions therapist will help you come up with one that works for you.

Underlying Issues

Nobody becomes addicted to drugs just because they like the way it feels. There are always underlying issues that set the stage for addiction and help keep the addiction “alive and well”. In order to maintain sobriety, it is critical that the underlying issues are recognized and treated.

As a Toronto addictions therapist, I’ve provided drug addiction help to many people who have tried to overcome their addictions on their own without success. With the tools and information they’ve learned from working with me, they’ve gone on to experience a life that’s free from the chains of drug addiction. I can do the same for you.

If you would like to make an appointment, please contact me. Together, we can devise a personalized strategy that will help you break free from a life of drug addiction.




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