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Now that you’re in drug addiction recovery, you’ve made it past some very big hurdles and life changes. Arguably, a very hard part is done but naturally, you’re still going to be faced with many difficult decisions.

An old friend you used with wants to meet up, should you go? You really don’t feel like going to your therapy session tonight, surely missing one meeting won’t hurt? These are just a couple examples of situations you might face when overcoming drug addiction.

Below we have covered three tough choices you’re likely to face at this time in your life and how to use them to make positive and lasting changes.

To choose dignity over the addiction

Dignity is defined as ‘a way of appearing or behaving which suggests seriousness and self-control; the quality of being worthy of honor or respect.’ Sadly, as addiction takes hold, many people lose their dignity because they cannot control their need to use drugs, drink, gamble or engage in sexual activities.

With the help of your therapist, you can choose dignity over addiction by remaining on the path to recovery. If you’re feeling the urge to use, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Will this choice put me at risk of relapse, could I go to jail, will it cost me my relationship or could it even kill me?
  • Will this choice allow me to respect and honor myself?
  • Will this choice cause me to lose self-control?

To believe in your own self-worth

When you first recover from drug addiction, it’s very normal to feel like you have no self-worth. You may be ashamed of your behaviors, you could have lost everything and you may be overwhelmed with the challenges that face you.

While you can’t change the past, you are in control of your future and the important thing is to learn from your mistakes and use them to make better choices today.

There are a number of decisions you can make while in recovery that will really help to improve your self-worth including:

  • Joining a support group
  • Applying for jobs
  • Going back into education
  • Eating healthier
  • Making an effort with friends and family
  • Getting a hobby

Remember, this is the time you can make powerful choices which will create the rest of your life.

Learning how to make the right decisions

Change happens when you make positive choices and you have hundreds of opportunities to do this every single day. For example, it’s up to you if you stay in bed or get up and go to work and it’s your decision whether or not you attend your therapy sessions.

Some great tips which will help to ensure you make positive choices every time include:

  • Set goals – if you don’t know what your goals are, you’re making choices blindly. You can achieve anything as long as you make it specific, reasonable and timely. For example, if you want to lose weight, set a specific number. You want to lose 10 pounds, not just some weight. Don’t forget to set a time limit and a schedule as well because this keeps you accountable and ensures that every choice you make is directed towards your end target.
  • Start small – by being in recovery you’ve already made a huge decision so don’t be tempted to do too much at once – this will only overwhelm you. Choose one goal to focus on and save the others for later.
  • Make the most of the support you have whether it’s friends, family, a partner, your counsellor or your peers in rehab.
  • Reward yourself. When you reach goals or even milestones within your goals, give yourself a reward. Just make sure it’s a positive one which is in line with your new changes.

If you would like to speak to someone about drug addiction counselling, please feel free to contact Toronto Trauma and Addiction Counselling in the strictest of confidence and we will be more than happy to help.



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