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Wherever you look, there are people who are struggling with various difficulties in their lives. Many of them are suffering because of the traumatic experiences they’ve endured. Some may have patterns of mental illnesses within their families, which leads experts to wonder if genetics play a role. If you are in this position, you may be wondering the same. In fact, you may have a lot of unanswered questions.

  • Am I more susceptible to trauma because of genetics?
  • Could my parents have done anything differently in raising me?
  • Is there a way out of feeling this way?

These are questions that you need to have answered.

Gene Research in Mental Illness

When genetic testing became a possibility, the psychiatric field leapt at the opportunity. Surely genes held the answers to why some people became mentally ill, while others did not.

Schizophrenia was a topic of great interest. This is a mental health condition that plagues as many as 1% of the population. However, time and time again, no genetic link could be found. There were no patterns that could be ascribed to the genes of schizophrenics.

The same can be said for those who have studied genes in traumatic stress. There have been no patterns discovered at all. This is because genes are always changing. There are so many outside factors that can influence them, and biochemical messages are always being triggered that affect the ultimate outcome of a gene.

How Trauma Affects the Brain

Rats are commonly used in scientific experiments, and in one study, they were used to test stress levels. It was found that newborn rats who received a lot of attention and nurturing from their mothers handled stress better than those that didn’t. They were braver, and they produced less stress hormones.

Their brain development was also affected. They were found to be better at learning and memory. They also performed better at finding their way through mazes.

The same can be said for human beings. Childhood is such an important time in a person’s life. It is the time where the foundation is laid for the rest of that individual’s life. When a child isn’t loved, nurtured or cared for, it can have a profound effect on his or her outcome as an adult.

This is seen all over the world. More often than not, those who struggle the most to get ahead in life have been victims of trauma. They can range from being criminals to individuals who aren’t able to work because of a mental illness.

How Has Trauma Affected You?

Every trauma victim has his or her own, individual story. The way you have experienced trauma will differ from someone else’s experience. It’s important for you to be able to talk through your experience with someone who can help you.

There have been many cases where trauma victims learned that they were loved, appreciated and accepted. Even for those who have lived through the worst traumatic experienced, they were able to find peace. It often takes the help of a trauma therapist to walk you through the steps to healing.

I can help you if you are a trauma victim. Contact me today and let’s discuss what you need.



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