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The idea of revisiting a traumatic event isn’t something that many victims want to hear. They spend their lives running away from the painful images, the flashbacks and the horror of what happened to them. They feel out of control of their own lives because of the event. Running away gives them a small sense of hope that maybe they can regain control in another way, by not having to deal with it at all.

This way of thinking may be familiar to you if you’re a trauma victim. You need to know that it is possible to regain control, but it doesn’t happen in the way that you might expect. Revisiting the trauma allows you to master it, in time. While this won’t happen overnight, with consistent effort and therapy, it will happen.

The Emotional and Rational Parts of the Brain

The emotional part of the brain is where post-traumatic reactions are experienced. This portion of the brain reacts physically, which is why you may feel like your heart is pounding through your chest when you think of the trauma. You might also feel yourself breathing heavily or taking on a defensive stance.

The rational part of the brain helps you understand why you feel the way you feel. It is the part that thinks, rather than reacts physically. It is not capable of getting rid of certain thoughts or emotions, it just helps you comprehend them in a way that makes sense. Your rational brain keeps you from taking drastic measures and doing things that you might regret later on because of your feelings.

For trauma victims, these two parts of the brain are out of balance. The worse someone feels, the more the rational brain recedes. The emotional brain is the one in control.

Limbic System Therapy to Restore That Balance

Healing from trauma is all about restoring the balance between the emotional and rational parts of the brain. This allows people to feel in control of their lives again. Limbic system therapy can be used to move the emotional brain back into its correct role.

Self-awareness helps to activate the emotional part of the brain. Accessing this part will give trauma victims the opportunity to better manage what is happening inside of them. It brings awareness to the inner experience, and eventually, trauma victims can learn to make peace with themselves.

Over time, this type of therapy leads people to come to terms with their traumatic pasts. They learn to separate the past from the present, and even from the future. From the comfort of safety and security, they’re able to revisit the trauma without being traumatized all over again.

You may be the only person in the world who knows what you’ve been through. Maybe you live your life as a prisoner of your trauma. Trauma therapy can help you to heal from that event so that you can live a full and happy life.

If you’d like to make an appointment with me to discuss your treatment, please contact me.

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