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Trauma victims often talk about experiencing flashbacks of the events that happened to them. These are difficult to understand by someone who has never lived through a traumatic experience. Even for those who have, flashbacks can be confusing and threatening.

If you’ve lived through a trauma, you most likely experience flashbacks on a regular basis. You’re not alone. However, understanding what you’re going through is important, and it is a big step toward healing.

What is a Flashback?

A flashback is something that occurs within trauma victims; sometimes long after the event has passed. Some people experience them years later, long after they feel they should. In general, it is almost like a replay of the event in their minds. However, it brings the horror of the original trauma screaming back to the present.

One trauma sufferer stated that a flashback feels as though the past and the present have folded together. They merge, and it’s impossible to tell when it’s happening that it occurred previously. It’s as though the individual is transported back in time.

Anything that symbolizes the trauma can trigger a flashback to occur. For someone who has no recollection of the event, this can be especially terrifying when it happens for the first time.

The Impact of Flashbacks in Everyday Life

Everyone experiences trauma differently. Some people find that they only impact them in certain areas of their lives. For example, spouses may remind them of people who were involved in the trauma. They may grow to hate their spouses as a result. However, when they’re working or interacting with their children, it appears like everything is fine.

For many victims, it’s almost as though they’re leading double lives. In one area of their lives, everything is as it should be. In another area, they feel tortured, confined and constantly on edge. That particular area is a place they’d rather run away from. This is why trauma victims will often shy away from talking about the incidents they’ve experienced. Talking about them, or experiencing them in any way makes that pain come back to the surface again.

The right type of therapy can help in the healing of trauma. In fact, it often requires a combination of different therapy methods to help victims recover. Rest assured that it is possible to recover, and even rebuild relationships that have been damaged as a result.

How are flashbacks disrupting your life? These experiences might confuse and scare you, but you don’t have to continue to live in this state. Contact me for an appointment for trauma therapy.

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