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As a person who is struggling with a sexual addiction, you’ve probably thought about getting sex addiction help, but you’re just not sure where to start or who to talk to. While there are many different options available to you, there is one major difference among the various treatment programs for sexual addiction. That difference is that they don’t all offer you the well-rounded type of counselling or help that you need.


In many ways, sexual addiction is similar to other types of addictions, such as drugs or alcohol. However, it’s also different, and it requires a specific expertise for getting well. Studies have shown that sex addiction help that focuses on individual treatment as well as group therapy can offer you the best chance of finally breaking free from your addiction to sex.


Sexual Addiction Treatment Programs


In order to stop the cycle of addiction, sexual addiction treatment begins with a commitment to abstain from the behaviors that have a hold on you. For some people, that means cancelling their Internet so that they don’t have access to pornography. For others, that means committing to refrain from the promiscuous sexual behaviors and lifestyle that they’re used to. Regardless of what areas you struggle with the most, stopping your behaviors is the first step toward sustainable recovery.


Individual therapy is a major part of sex addiction help because you need to be able to openly discuss your feelings and your challenges with a professional who understands what you’re going through. By talking about your individual situation, you can learn to understand your addiction for what it truly is, and you can gain the tools you need to cope and overcome it.


Group therapy is another important element in sexual addition treatment, and it’s one that should not be ignored. It’s very common for anyone who struggles with a sexual addiction to feel ashamed and sad because of their actions and how they’ve hurt others or even themselves. However, once you talk with others who are struggling with the same things, you’ll begin to see a change in your perspective and you’ll experience a renewed commitment to your recovery. Group therapy is a very powerful part of the healing process, and many people have said that they couldn’t have been successful without the support of other individuals who were facing the same challenges.


Do You Need Sexual Addiction Counseling?


As an addictions counsellor in Toronto, I’ve seen many people who had great difficulty with answering this question for themselves. They’ve been in denial for a long time, and they believed they could stop their addiction all on their own without the help of a professional. For them, they had to experience what “rock bottom” felt like before they reached out for help.


If you’re ashamed of your sexual behaviors, if your preoccupation with sex or pornography has taken over your life and caused you to lose things that were once important to you, then it’s likely that you need to talk with a professional addictions counsellor about treatment. The cycle of addiction is very real and it has a powerful hold over your life that isn’t easily broken when you try on your own. I want you to experience freedom from your sex addiction, and I can help you get there.


If you’d like to make an appointment with me to talk about your individual situation, please contact me.


Sexual addictions can be very strong, and it might feel as though you’ll never break free from those compulsive thoughts and behaviors. However, those that are committed to getting well and are willing to do whatever it takes, are able to change their lives for the better in astonishing ways.




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