My mission is to help individuals and families heal from addiction. I approach every client with the understanding that each person differs from the others in my practice.  People’s behaviors are shaped by their experiences, and each person is unique in this regard. Treatment is always individualized, as there is no such thing as one size fits all.

Confidentiality is of utmost importance, as trust between therapist and client is a cornerstone in treatment. I believe in meeting a client in the place where he or she is in at present. My mission is to help a client reach his or her goals as opposed to imposing my goals. That being said, I will challenge a client when I feel that it is appropriate, with the intention of helping him or her to emerge from distorted thinking and denial.

Addiction is the wrong solution to an existing problem that has become a primary disorder. This means that for treatment to be effective, and for a client to truly be able to live a life of recovery, it is necessary  to deal with both the addiction and the pre-existing problem. To treat one without the other is like putting out the match but leaving the fire it started, or putting out the fire but leaving the match.

Addicts are people in pain, and are doing whatever they can to make the hurt go away. In my treatment, I focus on connecting with their pain so that they are able to feel “heard” and understood. Only once that happens can the therapy be effective. Through my use of state of the art assessments, evidence –based treatment, honesty, empathy and a willingness to challenge, individuals and families who want to get well most definitely can.