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A recent study has found that in comparison to a number of other drugs including cocaine, heroin, ecstasy and marijuana, alcohol is the most dangerous.

The British study analyzed 20 different drugs and ranked them depending on how destructive they are to individuals and to society as a whole. Although the dangers of alcohol abuse are well documented, it will come as a surprise to many to learn that it is in fact more destructive than illegal substances.

In light of this revelation, below we have highlighted five ways alcohol abuse is harmful to you and those around you.

Causes health problems

When drunk in excess, alcohol damages nearly all organ systems and according to the Journal of the American Heart Association, even one drink can double the risk of stroke. It’s also thought that alcohol is a greatly underestimated casual factor in a number of cancers including those of the head, neck, female breast, liver, colon and rectum. Although results are mixed, it’s also implicated that alcohol can cause cancer of the lung, pancreas, prostate, endometrium, stomach and bladder.

It’s addictive

Alcohol is a powerful, toxic and addictive drug. Every day it kills over 350 Americans and thousands more are admitted to hospitals, psychiatric facilities, jails and for alcohol addiction treatment because of it.

When we drink, endorphins are released in the brain. Because these chemicals are responsible for making us feel good, it’s no surprise that we get so much enjoyment from a glass of wine.

It’s not just the fact that alcohol releases endorphins that cause problems, where in the brain these chemicals are released plays a big part in addiction too. Alcohol releases endorphins into the part of the brain which has been linked to addictive behavior and decision making. We experience pleasure and reward in relation to drinking alcohol, which naturally makes us more likely to want to repeat the experience.

It changes behaviors

The majority of us have been drunk at some point so we’re all too aware that when we’re intoxicated, we’re far more likely to do things we wouldn’t normally. You may be more likely to get into a fight, drink drive, have a one night stand or say something that you later regret for example.

Researchers at the University of Missouri published a report last year showing that alcohol turns off the ‘alarm’ in our brain which normally goes off when we make a mistake. What’s most worrying however is that it was found that alcohol doesn’t reduce our awareness of making mistakes, it reduces how much we care about making these mistakes.

It has negative effects on the brain

There is absolutely no doubt that alcohol affects the brain. After a few too many, we experience difficulty walking, blurred vision, slurred speech, slower reaction times and impaired memory.

While many of these impairments are resolved once the alcohol has left our system, a person who drinks heavily over a long period of time may have brain deficits that persist well after they reach sobriety. For example, large quantities of alcohol can cause blackouts or a period of time the intoxicated person cannot recall key details of or even entire events. Even once the person is sober, they still cannot remember what happened.

Studies show that the effects of alcohol on the brain can range from simple slips in memory to permanent and debilitating conditions which require lifetime custodial care.

It’s damaging to our mental health

One of the biggest problems with alcohol is what it can do to our mental health. It has been linked to a range of issues from depression and anxiety to suicide. This is because alcohol is a depressant and can therefore affect the delicate balance of chemicals and processes which keep us in a good mental state.

When we first start drinking, we often feel happier, more relaxed and confident. The more we consume however, the more likely negative emotional responses are to take over. You may become angry, aggressive, anxious or depressed.

Alcohol can have a negative impact on our mental health for a number of other reasons including:

  • It can affect our performance at work and we may become worried about the security of our job.
  • It can lead to relationship and financial problems.
  • Poor sleep after drinking makes you feel terrible the next day.
  • Can result in addiction.

If you think that you or someone you know may need alcohol addiction counselling or you would like more information about alcohol addiction signs, please feel free to contact Toronto Trauma and Addiction Counselling and we will be more than happy to help.

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